Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT)

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) was developed by Robert E. Detzler in 1988. It is a system of researching the subconscious mind and soul records to quickly find and release the discordant, limiting ideas and replace them with loving, supportive ideas and beliefs. SRT uses a dowsing technique to bypass the conscious mind and connect with the subconscious and guidance within (Higher Self).


Money & finances

Remove programs, vows, blocks, thought patterns and beliefs around poverty, scarcity, struggle, and lack. Invite the ease, flow, positive self-expression, success, and abundance into your life, work, and business.

Career or life path

Release the experience of feeling stuck, unclear, indecisiveness, or confusion around your career or next steps in your life path. Create clarity, purpose, inner guidance, and spiritual support. Experience improved self-esteem and sense of purpose.


Release and remove damaging patterns and reoccurring programs, beliefs, and behavior that are limiting and sabotaging yourself and your relationships. Gain a deeper understanding of the underlying root cause issues in your relationships with yourself, significant other, coworkers, friends, family. 

Health, weight, and/or wellbeing

Dissolve health issues, physical pain, discomfort, addictions, and addictive behaviors. Mitigate phobias, allergies, and intolerances. Release and remove struggle, obsessive thoughts, programs and belief systems related to weight gain, weight issues, and accompanying negative self-talk including anger and self-criticism.

Experience the ease and freedom of your true essence and fully express yourself. Received inner guidance to resonate more clearly and accurately. Enjoy experiencing increased energy, confidence, clarity in your life. 

Not sure whether SRT and/or SRT Practitioner is right for you? Check out this page here: 4 Things To Look Out In An SRT Practitioner

Got more questions?

Disclaimer: The methods used are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Those who receive sessions take full responsibility for consulting a healthcare professional regarding any ailments, illnesses, injuries, or other medical conditions and symptoms that are of personal concern. While you may experience subtle to profound results from an SRT session, The Origin Within makes no guarantee, promise, warranty, or representation, either implied or stated, relative to any outcome(s).
