4 Things To Look Out In an SRT Practitioner

You might have heard about Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) and are keen to clear energy blocks and/or deeply embedded limiting beliefs on a subconscious level to help you move forward or go through healing, learning, and growing.

Every year, there are a good amount of SRT Practitioners being trained up in Hong Kong. How could you tell who’s the right one for you? Below are 4 things you could check to find the most suitable SRT Practitioner for you.

  1. A Feeling of Trust & Comfort
  2. Connection
  3. Communications
  4. Credentials

1. A Feeling of Trust & Comfort

From the website, leaflet, social media pages of the practitioner, do you feel a sense of trust and comfort by reading through the things he/she share? Usually, most practitioners would offer complimentary calls, you could schedule to speak to him/her directly and find out whether you feel comfortable? Or simply send an inbox message, email, or leave a comment to see how the practitioner responds.

  • Does the practitioner seem to be answering your concerns?
  • Does the practitioner care about your situation?
  • Does the practitioner demonstrate a professional attitude?

As a practitioner or therapist, he/she needs to show empathy, respect and non-judgemental. This is important because you are opening up yourself and share your deepest thought. You need to feel that the practitioner cares and respects you, and adjusts their pace based on your needs. Remember, this is your healing journey, the focus should be on YOU.

Whether or not the practitioner had a similar experience with you doesn’t matter. The most important thing is that you feel that you could trust him/her.

2. Connection

There are numerous energy healing tools/systems available, and all of them work. Yes, all of them work in one way or another. There are no best tools, but only whether it FITS you. Whether it SUITS you.

How do you find out whether it is suitable for you? Tune in your heart and hear what it says. When you come across the tool, some you may have no feeling, some you may feel resistance towards, and some you may feel that it is speaking to you.

It is the feeling of connection. You feel that it resonates with you. When a tool makes you feel curious, you feel like you want to know more & find out more, and you feel safe, that’s the feeling of connection! It is a sign that the tool may be suitable for you. It’s normal though if you feel a bit excited, nervous, or skeptical when you come across energy healing for the first time.

However, if you feel uneasy and discomfort; no matter how fantastic your friends told you and how it has helped them transform their life. Don’t force yourself to do it. Because it might be due to the tool or the practitioner doesn’t ring that bell in you.

Stay open and follow what your heart is telling you.

3. Communications

During the process of SRT, in order for it to work – to perform the searching & clearing, there’s no such need for talking. Just like if your smartphone is not operating properly, you could just give it to an IT Technician to do the work.

However, understanding the process and how these negative energy/programs have occurred would help your learning, healing, and growth A LOT.

Just like you’d ask the IT Technician what he/she has found & fixed after they’ve done the work. And what kind of daily behaviors is creating these issues?

Therefore, a good practitioner is someone who has great communication skills and that they’re able to explain concepts clearly, and understands how to create more clarity in you.

4. Credentials

This is the last point as all SRT Practitioners should have completed at least SRT Basic Class and SRT Advanced Class with 10+ times of practice before they could take in clients. Thus, the above 3 items should be what you should be looking at to select an SRT Practitioner.

SRT is a systematic tool, unlike some other tools that emphasize natural gifts/talents or special connections. SRT is a tool that anyone could learn and execute as we are all capable of healing. It’s just a matter of accessing it.

Spiritual Response Association (SRA) certifies Certified SRT Teachers internationally to carry out SRT classes to those who’re interested and willing to learn. They all need to go through years of real-life experience and a series of verification. If you would like to make sure that your SRT Practitioner is “qualified”, simply ask them for the SRA certificate.

Check out The Origin Within’s practitioner’s background here.

Hope this article helps you in picking the right SRT Practitioner for yourself. Wish you a wonderful healing journey. Feel free to schedule a 15-minute complimentary call with us to find out whether SRT is the right tool for you, or our SRT Practitioner is right for you.

One More Thing: Cost

Just like any other therapy, it takes more than ONE session to create sustainable and long-term results. It is unrealistic to expect issues that have been accumulated and recurring for the past 10 years, 50 years, or through different lifetimes to be resolved in few sessions.

SRT Full Clearing and/or SRT clearing sessions would be a good start to cut any chords that have been built before that are dragging you or slowing you down on your path. Say goodbye to those that are no longer supporting your growth.

It is like peeling an onion, when life continues to unfold, the underlying energies/programs would surface of which it could not be detected & cleared in previous sessions. Even for SRT Practitioners, we perform SRT clearing for ourselves regularly.

It is all about making and budgeting this in your annual plan as an investment for your own well-being. Check out the Services & Fee with package offers: https://theoriginwithin.com/shop/
