Communication Style Assessment

How well do you know yourself?

Self-awareness is essential to success. If you don’t understand what motivates your actions and behaviors, it’s difficult to cultivate positive growth. On your journey toward discovering what drives you, it’s important to identify what may be holding you back from success, as well as the traits, motivators, and behaviors that propel you forward.


DISC is the leading personal assessment tool used by over 1 million people every year to improve self-understanding, communications, relationships, work productivity, and teamwork. The DISC assessment is a non-judgmental tool used for the discussion of people’s behavioral differences.

When you take the DISC assessment, you will learn how to leverage the various aspects of your personality for a life of achievement that aligns with your personal values.


DISC measures your tendencies and preferences — your patterns of behavior. It does not measure intelligence, aptitude, mental health, or values. DISC profiles describe human behavior in various situations. For example, the DISC questionnaire asks about how you respond to challenges, how you influence others, how you respond to rules and procedures, and about your preferred pace of activity. It does not measure every dimension of your personality.

Three graphs (Public Self, Private Self, and Perceived Self) will be generated upon completion of the DISC questionnaire.

You will receive a ‎DISC Profiling Report and be debriefed by our Certified DISC Behavioral Consultant. You will also receive tips related to communicating, building better relationships, and working with people of other styles, especially those who are closest to you.

See sample‎ DISC Profiling Report here: English; Chinese
