Time Line Therapy™

Hypnosis Process Involved

Time Line Therapy™ is an emotional release technique & process that has evolved from hypnosis and NLP. It was developed by Tad James, PhD in the 1980s and introduced in his book “Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality“.

Time Line Therapy™

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I know if Time Line Therapy™ is the right tool for me?

This might be the right tool for you if … …

  • There are negative emotions that you cannot seem to get rid of.
  • You overreacted emotionally to a situation and wondered why.
  • There is a particular group/type of people that you seem to get irritated easily with no obvious reason.
  • You have limiting beliefs such as “I don’t deserve it”, or “I am just not good enough”, etc. and want to overcome.
What does Time Line Therapy™ do?

This tool aims to:

  • Get rid of negative emotions, limiting beliefs and decisions at the subconscious and unconscious level
  • Release negative emotions such as anger, fear, hatred, sadness, hurt, regret, fear, guilt, jealousy, low self-esteem and remorse.
  • Eliminate the internal conversations about yourself that may be linked to past experiences or even passed-down trauma.
  • Change old behavior patterns and create new results in lives.
How does Time Line Therapy™ work?

The concept is that we store our memories in a linear manner in an internal memory storage system. We could establish a “time line” of our personal history and go back to the time where the negative emotion(s) was first created and release it.

It involves us taking a look at what happened and the emotions involved in that particular event. As an adult in present time, we view the event objectively and in a safe distance, and learn from what this event needs us to learn. To ensure that what we are clearing is its roots, we also go back to a time that is prior to this event to check whether there is any previous memory relating to the emotion.

By incorporating techniques such as visualization and dissociation, we reframe the experiences and view them from a positive, empowering perspective.

Sometimes we hold on to old emotions and limiting beliefs from our past that can keep us from living in the now. This process can clear unconscious blocks and allow a person to change their future to achieve optimal outcomes.

Removing the emotions, not the memory itself.

If you are wondering, the memory itself WON’T be deleted as it is part of our history, it is ONLY the negative emotions attached to the memories that will be cleared. We also focus on what we can learn from those past events, and use that as a resource for our future.

For example, if you have anger issues, the practitioner facilitates the releasing and clearing of all anger from the past and not just the anger attached to a particular event. We also carry the learnings and bring them back to the present time.

This is what makes this therapy different from other techniques, it releases from its roots.

Is Time Line Therapy™ safe?

Time Line Therapy™ is carried out in a safe, non-invasive and relaxing manner. What’s more, the client is not forced to relive painful events in their past, which could subject them to trauma.

Our practitioner has also been certified by Time Line Therapy Association (TLTA), The American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (ABNLP), read more about our practitioner.

What should I expect in a Time Line Therapy™ session?

A session takes approximately 90 minutes, depending on the complexity.

Many clients report quick and long-lasting change & transformation. Sometimes, one session is sufficient, but this varies from individual to individual. Once we remove the old internal conversations, the negative experience, and unhook those root causes, you will feel a sense of freedom, power, and confidence, and you’ll be free of these old constrictions in your life.

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to schedule a 15-minute complimentary call with our practitioner to evaluate whether Time Line Therapy™ is the right treatment for you.
